Friday, December 3, 2010

New Blog, New Year

Sorry for the delay, but you can look forward to a new Silver Creek Outfitters blog coming in the new year!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August Hopper Fishing is Here!

August terrestrial fishing can be the best time to land some of the valley's biggest fish. Get out there and bomb the banks with hoppers and beetles!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fly Fishing Fesitval THIS WEEKEND!

Film Festival will be on Friday, doors open at 5 pm. Felt Soul Media's "Eastern Rises" is finally out and we are lucky enough to be some of the first people to see it!

Eastern Rises | teaser from felt soul media on Vimeo.

The Fly Fishing Product Fair will be the following day from 10 am to 4 pm.

Come join us!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Marsh Creek and Bear Valley Creek Fishing

With Silver Creek Outfitters you can now explore the amazing Stanley area and Salmon river. This river system is home to Chinook, Sockeye and Steelhead. Found in the Headwaters of the Middle Fork are an amazing race of wild Chinook salmon, pictured above. This female was found partially eaten by an animal, a sad sight but necessary part of a healthy ecosystem. Book a trip for this August or late July to fish for Westslope cutthroat and immerse yourself in the Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness: Headwaters to the Middle Fork Fishing

Coming across a wild salmon in the Sawtooths is a moving experience and will forever change those who are lucky enough to find one. Take a look at the previous post to see what we are talking about.

Spectacular Sawtooth Salmon

The few remaining wild pacific salmon that travel an astonishing distance to reach the headwaters of the Middle Fork are arguably the most important race of salmon in the world. No other species overcomes such distances and elevation challenges, in addition to 8 major dams. These fish are struggling and need our help NOW. Please find out more here: Save our Wild Salmon

Be sure to find out more about the economic advantages of removing the four lower Snake River dams: Revenue Stream

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Big Bug

Brown Drakes on Silver Creek from Bobby F on Vimeo.

When conditions are just right the Brown Drake hatch on Silver Creek is a must see...and fish. The time is now, cross your fingers and head south!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Opener

Opening day on the conservancy 2009

With opening day now less than two weeks away (May 29th) its time to start thinking about tippets, fly line, brown drake patterns and maybe even a new net . Silver Creek Outfitters is excited to begin the fishing season and looks forward to a great summer in 2010!

Summer 2010 Catalog

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Browse through another great issue! CATCH #11

Monday, April 19, 2010


Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Pete Debaun holds a 34" Salmon River Steelhead caught by Terry Ring. The Salmon River steelhead run is expected to set a record this year.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Julie Meissner holds a 33" Steelhead caugh by Don Rau on April 8, 2010. The cold weather has made the fishing more hit and miss the last week or so; however, the record run of fish hasn't discouraged many fishermen.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Best trophy shot of a 2010 Salmon River Steelhead wins a Silver Creek Outfitters $50 Gift Card! Winner announced via email first week of May. Photos will be posted on our Facebook page as we receive them! Silver Creek Outfitters on Facebook

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Big Pete in Africa

While some of us are still skiing on Baldy or chasing steelhead on the Salmon River, Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Pete Debaun is fishing the Nile River. Here is a snap shot of big Pete with Noah Hecht holding a nile perch. Wow!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sawtooth Steelhead

Harry Morgan with Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Julie Meisnner holding one of the Salmon River Steelhead he caught. The fishing has been quite good this year and should remain good for next three to four weeks.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Sawtooths

The Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Stanley, Idaho represent one of the most magnificent regions of the state. Watch this documentary from the Sawtooth Society and see what the SNRA has to offer: The SNRA

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Debbie says fishing behind Bryant is like fishing virgin water........

Sunday, March 14, 2010

15 minutes after the first one...

Things are just beginning to get rolling in the Challis area. Deb caught a couple fish today. We are catching fish everyday now but not in big numbers. The fish Debby caught today were not holdovers, they were definitely fish on the run (about 5 miles south of Challis). Will keep you updated...

Bryant Dunn
Sun Valley Outfitters LLC

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sawtooth Fishing Guides

Silver Creek Outfitters has acquired Sawtooth Fishing Guides, a Stanley based outfitter from Julie Meissner. Julie has been guiding fly fishing, white water rafting and backing trips in Idaho, Sawtooth National Recreation Area for over 25 years. She grew up in the mountains of Oregon, fishing and hiking in the summers and ski racing in the winters before moving to the Stanley in 1985. She is a Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting Instructor, an experienced river guide and loves teaching. Julie will continue to guide for Silver Creek Outfitters. We are proud to have her as a member of our team.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Season

Silver in the Sawtooths - The Epic Run of Rocky Mountain Steelhead

"In my opinion, there is no greater thrill than connecting with a Sawtooth Steelhead or the unequaled majesty that each of these fine fish represent."

~Bryant Dunn~

Full Steelhead Season Report

Felt Wading Boots

SE Alaska is set to outlaw felt soled boots and waders. Is your state next?

Become more familiar with this issue and read: "The Science of Felt - A look at the science driving the move to eliminate the use of felt soled waders".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Beulah 13'2" 7wt Platinum Spey

The new Platinum spey series from Beulah offers the two-handed angler an exceptionally well-made rod at a very acceptable price. These rods are extremely lightweight thanks to Beulah's "carbon scrim process", making casting very comfortable and nearly effortless. The Platinum spey rods excel at throwing modern skagit and scandinavian shooting heads due to their more traditional flex and amazingly "crisp" tip recovery. Matched with Beulah's Tonic and Elixir shooting heads the confusion of rod/line matching has simply been done away with. Silver Creek Outfitter guides recently put the Platinum 13'2" 7wt to work searching for winter steelhead on coastal rivers across the Pacific Northwest:

The 7wt Platinum is an ideal skagit casting spey rod. The rod loads deep and sends heavy flies strapped to sink tips with ease. Lined with the 485 Tonic head this rod takes well to 129 grain 15 foot RIO sink tips, or 9-13 foot sections of T-11 or even T-14. The 540 grain Tonic head is also an option for those who prefer a deeper load on their rod. In addition to performance, the Platinum rods are very attractive. The cork design is unique and of the highest quality, while the dark grey graphite of the rod evokes thoughts of cold winter steelhead streams.

Swing by Silver Creek Outfitters and take a look at our new Beulah Platinum spey rods, the perfect tool for any medium to large anadromous fish rivers in the Pacific Northwest.

Clips of the Beulah 13'2" 7wt Platinum and Beulah 13'6" 8/9 Classic on the Hoh river:

Reverse Snap T from Bobby F on Vimeo.

Skagit casting on the Hoh River from Bobby F on Vimeo.

Event: TU Meeting and Travel Presentation

Hemingway Chapter of Trout Unlimited Monthly Meeting
"Fishing for Atlantic Salmon & Brown Trout on Russia's Kharlovka River"
Presented by Bob Knoebel : SCO Fly Fishing Guide and Professional Photographer
When: Tuesday March 2, 2010 5:00 -7:00 PM
Where: Roosevelt Grill, Ketchum ID
Meeting is free and open to all interested, please stop by!

Trout Unlimited info:
Ed Northen President, Hemingway TU
(208) 788-3618(949) 246-9372

Fishing Report Update

"February 8th, 2010

Winter Fishing: It’s Heating Up!

by Bryant Dunn


February has arrived and with it comes the potential for spectacular fishing. As the sun rises higher in the sky each day and the temperatures trend toward warmer daytime highs, fly-fishing will continue to improve well into March. For the coming weeks, midges will be the dry flies of choice; however, midge pupae patterns will be effective backups when the fish are not yet feeding on the surface. Silver Creek will continue to be a fun winter challenge as midge and streamer fishing will offer opportunities to catch large Rainbows and Browns." Visit the SCO website for the full report.

Winter Fly Fishing in Colorado from RA Beattie on Vimeo.

This awesome film by RA Beattie really shows how great winter midge fishing can be!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


ZOO ZEALAND! from bryan huskey on Vimeo.

BIG...BROWN...TROUT. Another great one from Fishbite Media.

Featured last Sunday in the New York Times, New Zealand is a special place that all anglers should aspire to visit. You can find the article here: A Long Road to World-Class Fly Fishing in New Zealand

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tarpon in Margaritaville

Saltwater fishing is probably on the mind of some anglers who have grown tired of frozen guides and size 22 midges by now. To indulge them we offer a great piece written by Mr. Jimmy Buffett, more than a singer/songwriter, he is an avid fly fisherman. From the 2004 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition: "Let us Prey"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our Neighbor to the West

Oregon Water from bryan huskey on Vimeo.

Another great flick from Bryan Huskey of Fishbite Media. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Let this issue inspire you to get out and brave the winter fly fishing experience. Its worth it.

Issue #9

Friday, January 1, 2010

Winter Fishing Report

"December 29th, 2009

Holiday Angling

by Bryant Dunn


The holiday season is upon us and it looks like we are entering an extended period of on and off wintery weather. In the short term, expect to see mostly cloudy skies and periods of snowfall. As a result, temperatures should be moderate, leading to more productive fishing and small emergences of Midges throughout our local systems. So bundle up in your winter weather clothing and take advantage of the open streams under our snowy skies." Read more here.

Yes, Idaho is AMAZING

Written a few years ago, this New York Times article is a great piece on the wonders that may be found within the wilderness of the Gem State.

The Last Wilderness