Monday, April 19, 2010


Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Pete Debaun holds a 34" Salmon River Steelhead caught by Terry Ring. The Salmon River steelhead run is expected to set a record this year.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Julie Meissner holds a 33" Steelhead caugh by Don Rau on April 8, 2010. The cold weather has made the fishing more hit and miss the last week or so; however, the record run of fish hasn't discouraged many fishermen.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Best trophy shot of a 2010 Salmon River Steelhead wins a Silver Creek Outfitters $50 Gift Card! Winner announced via email first week of May. Photos will be posted on our Facebook page as we receive them! Silver Creek Outfitters on Facebook

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Big Pete in Africa

While some of us are still skiing on Baldy or chasing steelhead on the Salmon River, Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Pete Debaun is fishing the Nile River. Here is a snap shot of big Pete with Noah Hecht holding a nile perch. Wow!