Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fly Fishing Fesitval THIS WEEKEND!

Film Festival will be on Friday, doors open at 5 pm. Felt Soul Media's "Eastern Rises" is finally out and we are lucky enough to be some of the first people to see it!

Eastern Rises | teaser from felt soul media on Vimeo.

The Fly Fishing Product Fair will be the following day from 10 am to 4 pm.

Come join us!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Marsh Creek and Bear Valley Creek Fishing

With Silver Creek Outfitters you can now explore the amazing Stanley area and Salmon river. This river system is home to Chinook, Sockeye and Steelhead. Found in the Headwaters of the Middle Fork are an amazing race of wild Chinook salmon, pictured above. This female was found partially eaten by an animal, a sad sight but necessary part of a healthy ecosystem. Book a trip for this August or late July to fish for Westslope cutthroat and immerse yourself in the Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness: Headwaters to the Middle Fork Fishing

Coming across a wild salmon in the Sawtooths is a moving experience and will forever change those who are lucky enough to find one. Take a look at the previous post to see what we are talking about.

Spectacular Sawtooth Salmon

The few remaining wild pacific salmon that travel an astonishing distance to reach the headwaters of the Middle Fork are arguably the most important race of salmon in the world. No other species overcomes such distances and elevation challenges, in addition to 8 major dams. These fish are struggling and need our help NOW. Please find out more here: Save our Wild Salmon

Be sure to find out more about the economic advantages of removing the four lower Snake River dams: Revenue Stream