Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sawtooth Steelhead

Harry Morgan with Silver Creek Outfitter's guide Julie Meisnner holding one of the Salmon River Steelhead he caught. The fishing has been quite good this year and should remain good for next three to four weeks.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Sawtooths

The Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Stanley, Idaho represent one of the most magnificent regions of the state. Watch this documentary from the Sawtooth Society and see what the SNRA has to offer: The SNRA

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Debbie says fishing behind Bryant is like fishing virgin water........

Sunday, March 14, 2010

15 minutes after the first one...

Things are just beginning to get rolling in the Challis area. Deb caught a couple fish today. We are catching fish everyday now but not in big numbers. The fish Debby caught today were not holdovers, they were definitely fish on the run (about 5 miles south of Challis). Will keep you updated...

Bryant Dunn
Sun Valley Outfitters LLC

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sawtooth Fishing Guides

Silver Creek Outfitters has acquired Sawtooth Fishing Guides, a Stanley based outfitter from Julie Meissner. Julie has been guiding fly fishing, white water rafting and backing trips in Idaho, Sawtooth National Recreation Area for over 25 years. She grew up in the mountains of Oregon, fishing and hiking in the summers and ski racing in the winters before moving to the Stanley in 1985. She is a Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting Instructor, an experienced river guide and loves teaching. Julie will continue to guide for Silver Creek Outfitters. We are proud to have her as a member of our team.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Season

Silver in the Sawtooths - The Epic Run of Rocky Mountain Steelhead

"In my opinion, there is no greater thrill than connecting with a Sawtooth Steelhead or the unequaled majesty that each of these fine fish represent."

~Bryant Dunn~

Full Steelhead Season Report

Felt Wading Boots

SE Alaska is set to outlaw felt soled boots and waders. Is your state next?

Become more familiar with this issue and read: "The Science of Felt - A look at the science driving the move to eliminate the use of felt soled waders".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010